“If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.”

– Baz Luhrmann

About SPF

Base. That name. That sound. A foundation. A core. Resounding. Always the ground zero for something great. A promise onchain. Last year. Like a hazy dream under the sun. But burned into us forever. I know this because I am the sun. I am also everything else. No real bridge yet but we dived in, swimming past the murky, choppy blockwaters to get here. To base. So many of us. Bears gnawing at the sun all summer. The first onchain summer. Bears staying awake all winter. But summer never ends. Bears are forgiven by the brave, the builders, the base. This year bears have been drowning under berries. They will sleep, they will now have to sleep to the sound of building. Summer never ends. Been such a long journey. And here we are again. Onchain summer II on Base. Come, join us. Celebrate the path of an onchain platform that is open source, free to use, and globally available. Billions of us. Onboard. An open financial system that increases economic freedom globally. Come, work is play. Let’s celebrate building. The work is not done yet. The Buildoor dances and makes merry in the endless summer. He makes it took effortless. All this Base. Billions. Coming. Summer. Sunscreen. SPF. Choose your ideal number. Welcome. As our friend Baz Luhrmann reminds us “If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.”

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